Hello! My name is Rachel Campbell, welcome to the blog! I started writing as an outlet in the Fall of 2024. I was turning 23 and had just become a mom that summer to a beautiful, healthy baby boy.
It was important to my husband and I that someone stay home with the baby, and I had always dreamed of being a stay-at-home mom. While I loved being able to be with my son all the time, I felt that I wanted to do something for myself as well.
I went to many workshops to improve my writing while I was in school purely out of love for the craft. I wanted to be an author, but felt that it was too lofty of a goal and time commitment for an amateur writer such as myself. Plus, what would I write about?
But then I turned 20, and my life was panning out a different than I had ever thought it would. I took a gap year from college to be a missionary who hosted faith retreats for middle and high schoolers in 23 different states, I had been dating someone I knew I was going to marry, and I started travelling internationally with friends. I was living a life completely different than I thought I would have – and I loved it.
Now, I’m passionate about living in the faith, being the best parent I can be, saving money and spending well, travelling, and growing. I write about all of that here, and would love for you to come along for the ride!